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Subject: Re: Problem booting vxWorks with base 7.0.4
From: "Johnson, Andrew N. via Core-talk" <core-talk at aps.anl.gov>
To: "Rivers, Mark L." <rivers at cars.uchicago.edu>
Cc: EPICS core-talk <core-talk at aps.anl.gov>
Date: Thu, 4 Jun 2020 16:41:20 +0000
Hi Mark,

On Jun 4, 2020, at 8:48 AM, Mark Rivers <rivers at cars.uchicago.edu> wrote:

I am trying what you suggested, but I am having problems.  I deleted /usr/local/vw/vxWorks-6.9 and made that a soft link to /usr/local/vw/vxWorks-6.9.4.
corvette:local/epics/base-7.0.4>ls -ld /usr/local/vw/vx*
-rw-rw-r-- 1 epics domain users 980391644 Jan  6  2017 /usr/local/vw/vxWorks-6.8.tar.gz
lrwxrwxrwx 1 epics domain users        13 Jun  4 08:10 /usr/local/vw/vxWorks-6.9 -> vxWorks-6.9.4
drwxrwsr-x 5 epics domain users       122 Sep 24  2014 /usr/local/vw/vxWorks-6.9.4
If I use the distribution version of CONFIG_SITE.Common.vxWorksCommon from base 7.0.4 I then get these errors:
corvette:local/epics/base-7.0.4>make -sj
make[4]: /usr/local/vw/vxWorks-6.9/gnu/4.3.3-vxworks-6.9/x86-linux2/bin/ccppc: Command not found
make[4]: /usr/local/vw/vxWorks-6.9/gnu/4.3.3-vxworks-6.9/x86-linux2/bin/ccppc: Command not found
make[4]: /usr/local/vw/vxWorks-6.9/gnu/4.3.3-vxworks-6.9/x86-linux2/bin/ccppc: Command not found
make[4]: /usr/local/vw/vxWorks-6.9/gnu/4.3.3-vxworks-6.9/x86-linux2/bin/ccppc: Command not found
make[4]: /usr/local/vw/vxWorks-6.9/gnu/4.3.3-vxworks-6.9/x86-linux2/bin/ccppc: Command not found
make[4]: /usr/local/vw/vxWorks-6.9/gnu/4.3.3-vxworks-6.9/x86-linux2/bin/ccppc: Command not found
That is because the compiler path is 
If I change CONFIG_SITE.Common.vxWorksCommon as follows:
index 0b0654a..9e97ec5 100644
--- a/configure/os/CONFIG_SITE.Common.vxWorksCommon
+++ b/configure/os/CONFIG_SITE.Common.vxWorksCommon
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
I then get these errors:
corvette:local/epics/base-7.0.4>make -sj
make[4]: /usr/local/vw/vxWorks-6.9.4/gnu/-vxworks-6.9.4/x86-linux2/bin/ccppc: Command not found
make[4]: /usr/local/vw/vxWorks-6.9.4/gnu/-vxworks-6.9.4/x86-linux2/bin/ccppc: Command not found
make[4]: /usr/local/vw/vxWorks-6.9.4/gnu/-vxworks-6.9.4/x86-linux2/bin/ccppc: Command not found
make[4]: /usr/local/vw/vxWorks-6.9.4/gnu/-vxworks-6.9.4/x86-linux2/bin/ccppc: Command not found
make[4]: /usr/local/vw/vxWorks-6.9.4/gnu/-vxworks-6.9.4/x86-linux2/bin/ccppc: Command not found
make[4]: /usr/local/vw/vxWorks-6.9.4/gnu/-vxworks-6.9.4/x86-linux2/bin/ccppc: Command not found
make[4]: /usr/local/vw/vxWorks-6.9.4/gnu/-vxworks-6.9.4/x86-linux2/bin/ccppc: Command not found
make[4]: /usr/local/vw/vxWorks-6.9.4/gnu/-vxworks-6.9.4/x86-linux2/bin/ccppc: Command not found
What do I need to do to use the distributed version of CONFIG_SITE.Common.vxWorksCommon?
My /usr/local/vw/vxWorks-6.9.4 tree is a direct copy from APSshare.

Oops, yeah unfortunately APSshare is a slightly non-standard VxWorks installation because of the need for APSShare to support both 6.9 and simultaneously, so Ron Sluiter moved some things around inside when he added the 6.9.4 tree, sorry I forgot about those internal paths.

You would need to add soft-links inside your tree or rename two internal vxWorks-6.9.4 directories to go back to using my standard paths. Here’s your full recipe using soft-links (untested):

cd /usr/local/vw
ln -s vxWorks-6.9.4 vxWorks-6.9
cd vxWorks-6.9.4
ln -s vxWorks-6.9.4 vxWorks-6.9
ln -s gnu/4.3.3-vxworks-6.9.4 gnu/4.3.3-vxworks-6.9


- Andrew

From: Johnson, Andrew N. <anj at anl.gov> 
Sent: Wednesday, June 3, 2020 7:38 PM
To: Mark Rivers <rivers at cars.uchicago.edu>
Cc: Michael Davidsaver <mdavidsaver at gmail.com>; EPICS core-talk <core-talk at aps.anl.gov>
Subject: Re: Problem booting vxWorks with base 7.0.4
Hi Mark, 
On Jun 3, 2020, at 7:29 PM, Mark Rivers <rivers at cars.uchicago.edu> wrote:


The problem was indeed related to that message.  Somehow this file in my base/configure/os got changed.  I changed it back:

diff --git a/configure/os/CONFIG_SITE.Common.vxWorksCommon b/configure/os/CONFIG_SITE.Common.vxWorksCommon
index 0b0654a..6a1d6bb 100644
--- a/configure/os/CONFIG_SITE.Common.vxWorksCommon
+++ b/configure/os/CONFIG_SITE.Common.vxWorksCommon
@@ -21,5 +21,5 @@ VXWORKS_VERSION = 6.9
# WIND_BASE is where you installed the Wind River software.

#WIND_BASE = /usr/local/vw/tornado22-$(ARCH_CLASS)
-WIND_BASE = /usr/local/vw/vxWorks-$(VXWORKS_VERSION)
+WIND_BASE = /usr/local/vw/vxWorks-6.9.4

Your “wrong” configuration is the APS Accelerator IOC’s “right” configuration and hence how the EPICS source code normally comes. If you can you might want to rename your old vxWorks-6.9 directory to something else to catch this sooner in case it happens again with another release; or just remove the original 6.9 tree completely and make that a soft-link to the newer release.
- Andrew
Complexity comes for free, simplicity you have to work for.

Complexity comes for free, simplicity you have to work for.

RE: Problem booting vxWorks with base 7.0.4 Mark Rivers via Core-talk
Problem booting vxWorks with base 7.0.4 Mark Rivers via Core-talk
Re: Problem booting vxWorks with base 7.0.4 Michael Davidsaver via Core-talk
Re: Problem booting vxWorks with base 7.0.4 Mark Rivers via Core-talk
Re: Problem booting vxWorks with base 7.0.4 Michael Davidsaver via Core-talk
Re: Problem booting vxWorks with base 7.0.4 Mark Rivers via Core-talk
Re: Problem booting vxWorks with base 7.0.4 Johnson, Andrew N. via Core-talk
RE: Problem booting vxWorks with base 7.0.4 Mark Rivers via Core-talk

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