Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System
EPICS Home at Argonne
EPICS is a set of Open Source software tools, libraries and
applications developed collaboratively and used worldwide to create distributed
soft real-time control systems for scientific instruments such as a particle
accelerators, telescopes and other large scientific experiments.
The EPICS-Controls website is a
community-run site which is slowly taking over as the primary home page for
the EPICS Collaboration. This site will continue to exist at APS (and will
provide the mailing list archives for the forseeable future) but it may
transition to hosting more specialized and Argonne-specific materials.
The best place to start looking for documentation about EPICS is now the
EPICS Documentation
website, although for some specific information it will point to external
web-servers provided by the projects that maintain the software.
Home: EPICS Home at Argonne
News: Recent news
Meetings: Collaboration meeting details
2025-04: 7-11 April 2025 in Oxfordshire, England, hosted by the ISIS Neutron and Muon Source, Diamond Light Source, and the Central Laser Facility
Codeathons: EPICS developer hackathons
About: What is EPICS anyway?
Council: The EPICS Council - project governance
Contacts: Who's who, and how to contact them
10 Things ...: Ten Really Neat Things About EPICS
Base: The core EPICS software for both IOCs and Host tools
GitHub: EPICS Base projects on GitHub
EPICS 7.0: Active release series
R3.16: Closed series
R3.15: Older stable releases
R3.15.9: Latest stable release (3.15.9 on 2020-05-15)
GitHub Actions: Build jobs on GitHub for 3.15 branch
R3.14: Closed, please upgrade!
R3.13: Frozen; VxWorks IOCs only
R3.12: Historic versions
R3.11: Fossilized, no VCS history
vxWorks 6.x: Information about using vxWorks 6.x with EPICS
Tornado: Information about using vxWorks 5.x with EPICS
T2.2 Linux: Using Tornado 2.2 with a Linux host
PowerPC: Some differences between vxWorks on 68K and PowerPC
T20xConfig: Instructions on configuring vxWorks 5.x for use with EPICS
RTEMS: Information about running EPICS using RTEMS 4.x
Tutorial: Getting started with EPICS on RTEMS 4.x
MS Windows: Building EPICS on Microsoft Windows
Download: EPICS Base Downloads
Statistics: Development statistics from Ohloh.net
Modules: Optional support code for IOCs - drivers etc.
Soft Support: IOC software that isn't real I/O (now on epics-controls website)
H/W by Bus,: Supported hardware list, sorted by Bus
Manufacturer: Supported hardware list, sorted by Module Manufacturer
Contact,: Supported hardware list, sorted by Maintainer's name
or Link: Supported hardware list, sorted by Support Link name
Add New: New entries are now managed through the epics-controls website
Common Modules: Frequently used support modules
APS Modules: Support modules from the APS
Downloads: IOC Support Module Downloads
Extensions: Tools to monitor and control IOCs
Distributions: Code collections from base, modules, extensions & elsewhere
synApps: Beamline support code packaged by BCDA
Debian: NSLS-II Controls Package Repository (BNL)
Creighton: Scientific Linux VMWare image with EPICS (Creighton)
Maven2: Maven2 repository of Java libraries (SourceForge)
Windows: Tools built for Microsoft Windows systems
TIS-4000: Commercial SCADA software based on early version of EPICS
Downloads: Distrbution Downloads
Download: Software downloads
Search: Find stuff on this site using Google
EPICS V4: EPICS Version 4 Project
IRMIS: Using RDBs to model installed EPICS IOCs
Primer: IRMIS Primer document (PDF)
2005 Mtg: March 2005 Collaboration Meeting
Talk: Information about our mailing lists
Tech-Talk: The main mailing list, our online support channel
Mailman: Subscribing to the list
Search: Search the tech-talk archives
2025: Browse tech-talk messages from 2025
Core-talk: Discussions between Base developers
Mailman: Subscribing to the list
Search: Search the core-talk archives
2025: Browse core-talk messages from 2025
QTi-talk: Discussions about the QT Initiative (closed)
Search: Search the qti-talk archives
Hw-talk: Hardware collaboration mailing list (closed)
Search: Search the hw-talk archives
Bugs: The Launchpad bug tracker for epics-base
Documents: Text not related to a specific release or package
Wiki: The EPICS Wiki, for community documentation
CA: Channel Access
Training: Training materials
USPAS 2019: Materials from the 2019 USPAS course in Knoxville, TN
APS 2015: APS EPICS Training series, 2015 talks
APS 2014: APS EPICS Training series, 2014 talks
General: General descriptions and overviews
Logo: Graphics and use of the EPICS logo
Hardware: Hardware support (old documents)
Links: Related web-sites
EPICS Users: The main EPICS sites and companies
Projects: A (fairly old) list of projects that were built with EPICS
Licensing: EPICS Software Licensing